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back to blogging...


For those of you who are wondering, I am still alive.
I haven't really had the time, the motivation to sit down and blog myself {although I am still reading your blogs}. I haven't been taking as many pictures as I usually do either. Maybe it's the busyness that comes with the soon-to-be-arriving holidays? With Thanksgiving break on its way, hopefully I'll squeeze in some blogging hours amongst the decorating & baking. 
I have the Christmas music up here. c: Does everyone enjoy holiday music as much as I do?
Despite the chilly, wet weather, I managed to shoot one of Hodge & Mr. Cat today. 


  1. LOVE these pics!!! Their eyes are so crisp!
    And yes I do love the holidays haha :)

  2. LOVE these! Kitty looks just like our sweet Molly.


your comments make my day. really.
