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way back when


IMG_9260 IMG_9173 IMG_9096 IMG_9041 IMG_9140 June 20124 IMG_9111 IMG_9093 IMG_9094 June 20126 IMG_9153 IMG_9258 remember the good old days? it was somewhere in between the years of our childhood. when we ran into the outdoors as soon as our sleepy eyes opened in morningtime, stayed there until sundown. exploring the fields and the woods until we had every path memorized like a map. we didn't care about our messy tangled hair, or whether or not our pants matched our shirts. all we wanted was to soak in every minute of life that we could. we would hike through feet of leaves covering the hills, all the way to the waterfalls behind our house. we were the sole reason our house needed cleaning back in the day. with mud caked shoes and our hands black with dirt, its a wonder how mom ever kept the floors and walls so immaculate. we were the ones begging for just one more minute before being sent to bed. we were sad the day had come to an end. but there was always that tinge of excitement in knowing we'd wake to another just like it. i'm lucky you were there to share those days with me.

looking back on your childhood memories, you must have one that stands out from the rest. do share below!

a quick shoutout to the always lovely and ridiculously talented carlotta, for redesigning my blog. i absolutely love the changes. what do you think?


  1. ah, the design is wonderful. and lovely post, as always. <3

  2. Love this! reminded me of my own childhood. So carefree and plenty of days spent outside getting dirty, playing in the mud(each time deciding never to play in it again because the dry mud hurt as it caked on our skin), climbing the hill in our backyard, playing family,and having Christmas in the summer. Ahhhh Memories.

    I love your second to last sentence, how you described feeling excited as you went to bed each night. So true!

    A childhood memory that stands out? Well, once my siblings and I trudged up our hill with our big rain jackets on as the rain poured down on us. When we finally headed back down the hill a sign was posted on the fence that led to our house and it said something like Hot Chocolate is waiting for you at the Hotel (our house). We were all so excited and promptly cleaned ourselves so we could let the hot chocolate fill us up with warmth.

    Again, I loved this post! And I like your new design it is so simple and sweet. :)



  3. Love your new design like woah!!! Really, it's amazing! Carlotta is awesomeeee.

  4. well hello. this is quite lovely! i think i'll just live here.

    1. just realized my photog blog is in your favorites. well, i'm in awe, because that's SO sweet of you. seriously don't know what to say, except you're nice, and i'm gushing right about now. :D

  5. this place is fantastic! i love the new design, and you have such a pretty name. wish i had a name that flowed like that, but "jessica lynn" just doesn't sound quite right as a blog title. ;)

  6. lovely post, lovely layout, lovely blog, i just love everything! xx

  7. Carlotta did such a good job!! Love the new look!! These shots are wonderful. <33


  8. this is so beautiful, m. as ALWAYS. x

  9. So beautiful. The words, the photos. I love your blog. :-)


  10. so beautiful and true and gahhh it's bring back so many memories. I miss those days incredibly but at the same time I'm excited for the days that lie ahead.

    and I'm so glad you're liking the design! I'm pretty fond of it as well, I have to admit ;)

  11. I remember those days, brings back so many memories. *sigh* Love this!

  12. Love the new design! So pretty! My dad built me a playhouse in our backyard growing up and I remember playing out there from sun up to sun down.. We'd make mud cakes and mowed grass pies etc. We'd swing until the swings broke! We'd find bird nests and care for baby kittens.. Oh if I could just go back for one day... Time goes by so quickly...

  13. Your photographs speak a thousand words but I can narrow it down to one: Beautiful.
    I have so much childhood memories but none of it comes from playing in the grass and just wandering around nature. I wish I had photos of my childhood, but there's not a lot.
    Cheers to great photos!
    Followed ;) I hope you stop by my blog too!


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