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here is what happens when a class of preschoolers take a field trip to a farm in the country


the trip begins with an expedition of a curvy road and a wagon train of minivans. quilts and towels are strewn across the grass, brown paper bags are emptied and peanut butter sandwiches are consumed to fill tummies, lunch is done in giant picnic style in the field overlooking a still lake. everyone climbs aboard the trailer and sits close together like sardines packed in a can, a little boy asks me five hundred times if we are going to ride horses later, the tractor pulls us around the farm with the sun stretching its rays through the clouds to warm us. a half acre long patch is adventured upon, hands hold onto stems and arms swing the orange spheres to and fro, pumpkins are adopted and shall soon be carved to set on our front porches. farmers tell about the importance of maintaining a local farmyard, feet kick up dust and straw as the children strive to be still and listen, little hands sift through corn and wheat grain that fill troughs in the barn. though a tad exhausing for the adults, the kids have boundless energy. and we all agree, this fieldtrip makes for a good thursday in october.


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